First Brisket


E Brunner

TVWBB Member
I will be attempting my first brisket on my WSM tomorrow. I purchased a 5.5lb flat(flats were all that were available), I trimmed the fat down to 1/8-1/4" then put the rub on it this morning and stuck it back in the fridge. I was wondering what peoples preferences are as to fat side up or fat side down also to foil or not?
If your flat is choice grade or higher and is pretty uniform in thickness, I'd cook fat side down at 250 without foiling.
If it is select grade and/or if it has tapered ends and not uniform in thickness, I'd cook fat side down until it reaches about 160 degrees or so internal temp. and then foil with a little liquid (like beef broth) until prode tender.
Foiled it at 160 then pulled it off at 183 and let it rest for about 45min. I think i left it on a little too long ended up a little dry, one of these times I'll get the hang of it.
Next time pull it off when it is tender- a probe will enter the meat effortlessly. Internal temp is indicative of nothing.

Perhaps it was underdone. If it was on the dry side and chewy it didn't cook long enough. If it fell apart/separated easily and/or was stringy yet dry it overcooked.
By your description I would have to say that it didn't cook long enough. I will have to learn to be more patient it was on for a little over 8hrs at an average smoker temp of 250.
Not that you want to go by temp as Kevin has said, but a probe in the meat wrapped will give you higher than actual meat temps. You likely were less than 183

