First Brisket - YUMMMMMmmmmm

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Well, finally took the big plunge with my first brisket after sticking to tri-tips for past couple of years. Happy to report a resounding success!!!

Bought a cryovac 10lb whole brisket at Cash and Carry for $1.15/lb. Trimmed fat cap down to 1/4 in or so. Man there is a lot fat on these puppies.
Used simple salt/sugar/pepper/garlic/onion/cayenne rub for overnite fridge chill. Fired up Minion method WSM at 0830 to 240 upper grate temp and loaded the beast on straight from fridge. Used about 1lb of hickory chips I've had laying around. I spread them over the cold coals and dumped the hot coals on top. Added three fist sized hunks of almond wood. Loaded pan with cold water and let her rip. Grate temp eventually settled in at 230 and stayed there more or less for next 10 hours. Added some cold water along the way but no add'l coals needed. Never took any meat temp readings. Flipped the meat over once about half-way in. Tested meat with fork at 6:30 and pulled slab off. I musta lucked out because it came out PERFECT! Still moist, very tender and with a gorgeous reddish smoke ring. Surface was pretty well black but not a burnt taste. Wife and I had a sandwich and stored the rest sliced up. Incredible smoked flavor and tender, moist taste. Now I know what all the fuss is about!! Tri-tip is great but it's a whole other thing to this king of beefs! I chopped some fo the meat up and soaked with my favorite ad-libbed sauce: About 1/2 KC Masterpiece Original and 1/2 Southern Thang sauce. Perfect combination of sweet, heavy dark sauce and tangy, spicy sauce. Gonna be a great week of eats!
I just did my first brisket as well. A 10 pounder just like yours. I started the cook at 6am on Sunday morning. The meat *finally* got to 194 degrees internal at 11:15pm. That's 17 hours for a 10 pound (maybe 9 pounds after I trimmed it) brisket. For some reason, when I do "long cook meats" like pork butt or brisket, it takes 1 1/2 to 2 hours a pound. I can't complain though. The results are FANTASTIC. I did the "Braggin' Rights Brisket" from "Smoke and Spice".
Sounds like both of you had very good success with your briskets! I'm glad they turned out well and your story encourages others.
If you guys think the brisket is a show stopper, I think you'll be amazed with pork butts. I did some for the guy's at work on a camp out. Yea I got refered to as kitchen bit*h for about 9 hours. But baby when those pigs(all cops)layed into that pig, I was promoted to meat god.
Been there done that Scooter. Yup Mr. Brown is glorious when it comes out right. One thing about the WSM, it sure can get you into some fat-heavy meats real quick. I'm needing to cut back on the pork and even beef for a while after a summer of cholesterol chomping.
Hey JackO et al,

If you do the low carb diet thing your cholesteral and trigycerides will come down. My cholesteral use to be 210 and now its 155 and my triglycerides were 475 and are now 55 and I lost 45 pounds. Been cheating on and off now so my weight loss stabilized but after 3 years my blood lipid tests are still holding up. I need to lose another 45 pounds but keep cheating...if I stick to it in about 6 months will lose that weight too.

So you can eat all the 'que you want just pass on the french fries, sugary sauces and breads...

Check out the BBQ Diet on my web site:
BBQSmyth Home Page

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