First brisket...WOW

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Made my first brisket yesterday. I got it at costco..there were actually 2 pieces in the package, and i really dont kno wwhat they were...point or flat. One was a little mroe square and the other ended in a point but was thicker. Both were trimmed to leavea bout 1/4 " of fat, so it was perfect.

Anyhow..used Chris's rub, smoked over oak and hickory for 9 hours to 188 for 1 piece and 10 hours to 195 for the other at 240-250 lid temp.

All i can say is WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!
They are friggin AMAZING! The one cooked to 188 was not quite as tender as teh one cooked to 195, but both were really really awesome. I slkiced it up and it held together well, expected it to be a bit more wasnt dry...just not moist..but it was just so good.
I made sandwiches with some KC masterpiece, and some chipotle powder. So flavorful.

Anyone have any advice on how to get it a little moister.

A couple things come to mind. First is did you let the brisket rest after cooking. I usually wrap a done brisket in foil and let it rest for about 1/2 hour before serving. This helps to moisten the meat.

Another is that if Costco cut the point from the flat they undoubtedly trimmed the large section of fat that runs between the two. That may account for some of the dryness.

The temperatures to which you cooked don't sound high, but briskets are all different. It's possible that you just got a dry one.
Yes, i let the brisket sit for about 35 minutes before slicing into it...I do beleive a large part of the fat was trimmed...

Oh was still awesome, one of the 2 pieces is gon already, and i'm the only one who has eaten it/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
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