First Brisket this weekend


Daniel Nova

New member
Did my first brisket this weekend. Used the high heat method and it turned out pretty good. It was a 5lb flat from Costco.

Here it is injected and rubbed down ready to go on the smoker. Used beef broth, worcestershire sauce, garlic and onion powder and touch of cayenne in the injection.


Here it is just off the grill prior to resting.


Here it is sliced.


It was smoked for about 2 hours or until the internal temp was 160 and my temps were around 340 give or take. I then foiled for about another hour to an hour and a half until internal temp was about 200 then I checked it for tenderness. Took it off and tented for a bit then wrapped it and put it in the cooler for about an hour to rest.

Yes it was good and I think it was better the next day. Seems the rub had a bit more kick the next day.

