First Brisket on 18.5


M Martin

New member
Ok, I know you guys always see this question, but I am open to any and all tips. Doing a 7.5 pound flat. Wondering about low/slow vs. high heat and the time differences, etc. Want to be ready for family dinner at say 5 pm. I see some people foil at 165 and some don't. What are the advantages of either.

Also, thanks to all the great tips before, I have had two great cooks of baby backs. My wife thanks you all.
Does it have a fat layer on one side? If so put in down. Is it thick? does it have a thinner side by very much? Do you have all day available?

Low n slow or HH will work fine, no matter I would foil around 160-170 and cook to probe tender, not a specific temp!

If you go slow shoot for 250-275, if thick it shouldn't take more than 6-8hrs with foiling as noted above.

If you go higher 300+ it shouldn't take more than 5hrs as long as you get above 250 within the 1st 45min or so.

When cooking large cuts of meat thickness is key not weight!!! If you don't foil and you have a thinner side it will be over done before the thicker side is done!
It is not a real thick cut and not alot of difference in thickness throughout. I will cook fat down. I do have all all day so I am thinking low n slow. I am concerned a little because I am worried about over cooking it since it isn't real thick. Thanks for the input!

