Fingerling Taters - How-To?


Ron G.

TVWBB Wizard
This might be a good one for Lampe (they seem to be one of his favorites)

Ennyhoo - Planned to grill-up some Monster NY Strips yesterday, but wife ended up working late and it was storming the beejeezus around supper time. So, cooking them up tonight instead.

Thinking that I would just brushem down with a little Olive Oil (or basic cooking oil), Salt, Pepper, & Garlic.

How long do they typically take? Wrap in foil, or just toss on the grates indirect.

I'm going to be grilling the steaks indirect, then finish high heat (reverse sear?) Planning about 15-20 minutes. Taters take about the same amount of time?

Please advise,
We've really been enjoying fingerlings this year. Prepared just like you described, put right on the grates (indirect) and they've been taking about 20 minutes.

We've really been liking the potatoes this way - haven't tried the bed of salt route yet for bakers.

EVOO, S&P. Sometimes a little onion and/or garlic powder. On the grates indirect until done. Usually 20-40 minutes, depending on temps, size of 'taters, etc. put the larger ones closer to the fire so they are done the same time as the smaller ones.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">put the larger ones closer to the fire so they are done the same time as the smaller ones. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
or you can cut the larger ones in half to get them all the same size.

Thanks guys -

I did 'em like I planned (sort-of) and like Jim K said - I tried getting more direct heat to the bigger ones.

Only problem was I got 'em on a bit late and rushed them. They were good, but still a touch too firm (but the left-over ones were GREAT when I re-heated them in the nuker!).

I saw that my local market also has baby sweet taters - maybe next time, I'll mix 'em up.

Oh well, live and learn...
I like to Par-boil them until a little tender and then skewer them. I find that metal skewers helps them cook evenly from the inside out. As said above, Oil, salt, pepper, or any other flavor needed.

