Finally found a full brisket-- at WAL-MART

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Matt Goin

TVWBB Super Fan
That's right the local BJ's onlycarried brisket flats, i was in Super Wal-mart and they have the Full Brisket( from the same meat supplier) for only 1.18 dollars per pound.

Cheaper than BJ's and I can now have shredded beef!!!

Never under estimate the power of SAM!!

The rishest family in the US actually does have BEEF!!!
Matt, your local Publix should carry it. You have to ask for them, as they're usually not brought out. They will be a bit more pricey though.
Hi Matt! I bought one at Wal- Mart also. I work in the Vision Center at a Wal-Mart SuperCenter and saw that they had some brisket's marked down for quik sale, I got an 11lb. brisket for seven dollars and some change. The meat guy told me they don't have them all the time but they do get them from time to time. Well anyway enjoy!

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