Feel the Burn! Spicy BBQ Chicken Soup


C. Howlett

TVWBB Super Fan
I hijacked this recipe from egullet.org and applied a WSM adaptation. A whole smoked chicken is super easy and takes only a couple hours to create, so this recipe is convenient, filling and actually helps keep my <STRIKE>perpetual eating machine</STRIKE> son out of the kitchen. This recipe should also work for turkey.

All About Chiles

Chipotle Chicken & Veggie Soup

Got the idea for this after sampling a couple bowls of a regional style soup during a trip to the Firey Foods Festival in New Mexico, just substituted Chipotles for the green chiles.

<span class="ev_code_RED">1 6 lb. Smoked chicken (see Weber's Charcoal Grilling, p. 168.)</span>

1 32 oz can chicken stock

1 cup coarsley chopped celery (Save all veggie trimmings for stock)

1 cup diced red bell pepper

1 cup sliced carrots

2 medium onions coarsely chopped

1 cup corn kernels

1 16 oz can diced tomato

1 14 oz. can chipotles in adobo sauce

1/2 tsp thyme

cracked black pepper to taste

<span class="ev_code_RED">My modification: Time to clean out the fridge! I chopped and added 1 avocado, 1/2 pound of mushrooms, and a can of organic pumpkin.</span>

salt to taste (I use heavy chinese soy sauce)

<span class="ev_code_RED">1. Smoke the bird</span>

2. Debone chicken and save all the bones & scraps. Cut meat into bite size bits removing fat & gristle. Refrigerate.

3. In a large stock pot add bones and carcass as well as veggie peelings, carrot butts and onion skins etc and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 2 to 3 hours, skimming and stirring occasionally. You could use all canned stock and one of those rotisserie chickens from the store, but my life is dull and I got nothin' better to do...

4. Strain through a colander and add stock back to pot. Add celery, bell pepper, corn, onions and carrots as well as the canned stock and bring to a simmer. Cook until veggies begin to turn tender. Add chicken and canned tomato.

5. While soup is coming back to a simmer, take about a cup of it and put in a food processor with the chipotles & adobo. Whirr it up for about 30 seconds or untill the peppers are well pureed. Add salt, pepper and thyme to the soup, then start adding the chipotle puree about a quarter cup at a time, stirring and tasting for the desired pungency. Using all of it makes for a chileheads delite, but may be too much for some gringos to handle!

This makes a big old pot full, which would probably serve 10 or 15 people. Good for freezing and serving at a later time.

<span class="ev_code_RED">Serve with a crunchy rustic bread.</span>

