Favorite cook??

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Ugh, that's like asking me my favorite movie or my favorite song. It just depends on my mood!

Let's see.... favorite cook on the WSM. I guess that would have to be anything that's pork, beef, poultry, or seafood. /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif I just love it all. I have been on a pork butt roll lately, though, so I guess that's my "current" favorite.

Larry, my favorite cook on the WSM is the Mighty Brisket smoked with pecan wood. Beef is good /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
Well if the question is what would I most like to eat tonight that I could cook on my WSM the answer is I would smoke up a batch of ABT's (recipe on my website), while they were cooking some fresh baked artisan bread like a nice crusty loaf of real sourdough served with Black Italian Butter. For the main course Santa Maria style Tri-Tip grilled on the WSM, loaded baked potato and fresh steamed baby Asparagus with Hollandaise sauce. Washed down with a good bottle of red wine. OK I'm hungry know /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
I just did the Mr. Brown last week and, having done many BRITU and brisket, have to say the pork butt is now my new favorite. I had zero left overs the first time so I'm making 6 more lbs just for me, as we speak. It's all mine! Ah ha ha (evil laugh)
Hello, neighbor! Just in case you change your mind, Aloha is not that big - give me a call and I'll be right on over to help put away that 6 pounder! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif Enjoy!
Cedar Mill is just across the freeway. I'll be glad to help eat some Butt. Actually, I just bought a 7 lb butt at Safeway tonight for my first Butt cook this weekend. I have to feed 10 people on Sunday and the Renowned Mr. Brown in calling my name!
I'm with Bryan S.: Pecan smoked Brisket. Just picked up two 14 pounders last night for this weekend.

BEEF! It's what's for dinner! /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif
I really like smoked tofu. <just kidding>

Now that I have my WSM, our kids are continually asking for ribs. Something about that fall-off-the-bone smoke flavor.

Sonny, luky you. When i fire up the WSM my kids say we don't have to eat that do we. They don't like the smoke flavor (it tastes like ham they say)
Kids what you gonna do? I always tell them you wouldn't know good if it jumped up and bit you in the A*&. Happy Smoking.Bryan
Hey Bryan

Better feed your kids what they want. Remember they will be picking out your nursing home one day. <grin>

Trying chicken thighs and ribs today (Sat).

The one cook that I really like that is nearly foolproof is brining salmon and then smoking it at 190 deg for an hour. I use a variation of the 3men.com site brine and then air dry and then smoke with alder. It comes out so consistently every time.
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