Fatty with Offal


Brian Silvey

TVWBB Member
I am making a special fatty for my mother who loves offal. Sweet breads, beef heart and rocky mountain oysters. I plan to add some bacon, jalapeno and chedddar cheese. I've never cooked offal, not a fan. Any advice from those with experience?
i had to look up rocky mountain oysters.
I have no experience outside of turkey giblets but I would be inclined to sautee them before rolling them in the fatty. Becky, it's harder on the bull...
I found a source for RM Oysters. A 3 pound bag that was collected by a friends neighbor at a round up. I have no experience preparing them. As I sliced one open to remove the tough outer membrane the inside was caramel colored and semi gelatinous. They didn't look safe to eat, bu waht do I know. Between that and the gross factor I had to bail. I ended up making a toungue and real oyster fatty, which the recipient said she loved. I didn't taste it. Just not my thing.


