Fanstastic weekend!


Charles Howse

TVWBB Wizard
We had a great weekend in Jackson. Not too hot, no rain, a gentle breeze.
I managed to get all my chores done...

Saturday - gathering supplies for Sunday's cook, mowed the yard, watched the Cards loose to the Cubs. :-(
Sunday - changed the oil in the truck, upgraded the FreeBSD servers, watched the Cards beat the Cubs! :-) Smoked some chicken with perfect skin.
BTW, if you ever dump the lit coals into the charcoal chamber without installing the ring first, you *can* just set the ring on top of the coals, and use your tongs to pick up the lit coals, and drop them into the ring. I know that for a fact. ;-)

While I was changing the oil in my truck, my next-door neighbor walked over to visit. We talked for a while, and the conversation turned to barbecue.
He used to own a Q-joint in a small town bout 20 miles away, so he knows his Q.

After supper, I was relaxing, watching TV, when I saw my neighbor pull into his driveway. I grabbed a chicken leg, dropped it onto a paper plate, squirted some No. 5 sauce on the plate, and headed next-door.

Long story short, his comments included...
"D**n, Dude, that's good!"
"Son-of-a-****h, that's really good!"
"WOW, that's good!"

Moral - I knew I thought it was good, but you never know if it's 'really' good till someone else tells you so!
Sounds like a pretty busy weekend! I am so glad to know I'm not the only one to forget that ring!!! On my third or fourth smoke, I forgot the ring. Only I didn't think to do what you did. I just put a few more chunks in. Worked out great, but I felt I deserved a lower grade on the smoke. Due to being in such a hurry! Enjoy your week!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Steve Petrone:
Way to go. It is the heart you put into it not the sauce on the surface. Did you add a little molasses? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
I have a modest supply of No. 5 on the table, and plan to add some mo' to the next batch.
Sorry I haven't touched base with you on that.
It's great to get good feedback. I was able last week to enjoy watching 20-25 teenagers-high school graduates-devour two butts and a good size packer.

