Experienced collectors, users & restorers, when is the best time of year to buy a used grill . . . ?


Tim Snyder

TVWBB Super Fan
. . . meaning, when is the availability at it's peak and the prices are the lowest? I'm guessing it's regional, and I'm guessing it's after grilling season. But what are your observations? Thanks! ~~ Tim
There isn't really a time I've noticed where both supply is at it's peak and prices are at the low point.
Usually in the winter months the prices are pretty low because the average person isn't in the market to buy or use a grill, but not as many used grills for sale in the winter.

And this time of year (around holidays....Memorial Day, Father's Day, July 4th) is when most people buy new grills and sell their old grills. So you'll find more of them for sale.
I think spring (April and May) and then a little around October up here in the midwest. Spring time they are dragging out the old gunked up grill and looking at it and saying, "damn, I really don't want to clean out this mess and get rid of the mouse nest. I should just buy a new one." So they push it off to the curb and head for Home Depot. In the later fall, people up here are ending their grilling for the summer and realize there is no room in the garage and they don't want to leave it on the porch all winter and have to shovel around it, so they shove it off to the curb with plans to hit Home Depot in April.

