Excellent Butt Rub....

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/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif Rubbed it with nothing more that apple cider powder mix I had left over from this past winter. It's the stuff in packets you mix with water to make a quick cider. Anyway, was I suprised, a great rub. My very picky 13 yr old loved it.
Hi Dale,

I haven't seen this poweder in the stores. Where can you buy it?

I'll post my old stand-by rub for pork, poultry and everything else you can think of on the recipe exchange. I gave it Jim Minion. Don't know if he's whipped up a batch yet. I always have this on hand, and I suggest you guys do the same. I've adapted it from a Martha Stewart recipe.
Replying to Mike:

I have found the apple-cider powder in some grocery stores. Its usually with the coffee / tea / cocoa.

At work they get a Swiss Miss (I think...) brand that is very good -- nice apple taste and some decent spice flavor. I tried a couple of other brands at home (never found the Swiss Miss) and have never been as pleased...

...But at least one butt is planned for this weekend. Maybe I'll get a second and try the powder as a rub -- that's a great idea! Thanks!
Check out www.myspicer.com - look under "Oils and Vinegars". Lola Rice had some of this at her BBQ camp earlier this year, and it's good stuff. While you're on the web site, look at the some of the other sections, like "Extracts and Flavorings".
I got it at Costco. It might be hard to find until fall. However check at the larger grocery stores
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