EP-330 Mouse Issue



New member
I just bought a Weber EP-330 and I noticed during assembly that there are many large, wide-open areas where critters can get into the cabinet and even the grill via the grease tray. I live in a rural area where mice are frequent visitors. Has anyone mouse proofed their Genesis’?
Welcome to the forum I'm from AZ also.
Don't really have an answer for the mouse issue but one of the problems with the e series is they are rust prone on the bottom of the cabinet so whatever you do make sure you allow for adequate air flow so moisture doesn't sit inside. Also if you have the grill on concrete get a mat to put under it as the vapors coming off the concrete are very corrosive.
Up here in the high country we haven't had any issues with mice at all. Good Luck.
Thanks Rich; I noticed your location while reading thru some of these threads today. My unit was shipped by Ace from Prescott Valley this week, which is why your location caught my eye.

And thanks for the warning about rust. Whatever I end up doing, it will be with a heavy screen material so I don't impact airflow. It looks like the cart only has a 2 year warranty so I'm not too concerned about voiding the cart warranty if I have to drill some screw holes to hold the screening. Before I plugged the small holes in my previous 20+ year old Weber the mice loved building nests in it. Not very healthy having mice living on your grates.
I just turn on the gas and then light it up. They get moving rather quickly... (I am kidding)

