Enough Pulled Pork??

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Hi guys. First post here, but I've come to this website for a long time for tips and advice.

I've been given the task of preparing all of the meat for a company picnic next weekend. I originally offered to "barbeque" something, but that was misunderstood as grilling, etc. Oh well!

The menu is pretty basic: Pulled pork, hamburgers and hot dogs for the meat options. There are expected to be about fifty people attending, with some children.

I was planning on smoking about four 8-9 pound pork butts (bone-in) starting Thursday night. I was going to stay around on Friday until it's done, then pull and stick it in the fridge. On Saturday (when the picnic is) I was going to reheat the pork in a 250ish degree oven. I am going to have Dinosaur BBQ sauce and a homeade vinegar sauce as the options. Does this sound like enough pork for that many people?

Remember you get a LOT of loss due to fat melting, bone-in, etc.. On the 4th we did a 10 lb Brisket and an 8 lb bone in butt. We ran out of meat! You figure out of an 8 lb butt you will get~3-3.5 lbs of meat.
That is a great question. Hopefully I'll get a more concrete answer tomorrow.
Maybe I should get some 12 lb'ers instead of 8-9 lb. butts. I usually get 8 or 9 lb butts when I make pulled pork. I can't imagine much more than that would fit in my WSM.
I smoked for some people in my cycle club Saturday. Put 5 butts on in the 7.3-7.7# range. was planning on 35-37 people (all adults). Had PLENTY of pork left over....only 20 showed because of thunderstorms lol.
I just figure 50% waste from trimming/smoking/bone, and even if I get boneless from Costcos, still figure 40% loss.

