electric go-anywhere


George Curtis

TVWBB Olympian
so sat i went to a second hand store and found another farberware broiler rotisserie unit for $6. no motor but not a biggee. so i'm sitting here goofing and my mind resurects an old idea of turning a gas ga into an electric unit using the element from the farberware grill. i think it will be a near perfect fit with me having to just cut out a little bit at one end. will use my spare parts ga. this is gonna be fun.
Pics George, Pics.. I see these Farberware grills at the local thrift store all the time.
I think some even have rotisseries... Hmmm..
been measuring and figuring things out today. looks good. maybe not perfect but i'm hopefull. to darn cold to spend much time outside as i'm a para and have to be very carefull getting to cold or hot. i'll need to mark things for the element and support. then its dremel time.

Hey George,
No worries on the pics. Whenever you can.
Besides being cold, I'll bet the FOG is real thick!
fog ? naw, we have aireated water !
but yea, a rottiss was gonna be my next project.
what is interesting is that the width of the farberware is about a 1/4 larger than the ga lid otherwise the lid would fit. if you look at the pics i posted there are some rotiss setups but i want something a bit simpler.
Are you planning on putting any kind of heat deflector in there? I' thinking that you are going to have a lot of flare ups that could cause a few problems.
there are no deflectors on the farberware. it actually works rather well. if a drop hits then it just kinda vaporizes into a small puff of smoke. very little does hit the heating element. i will have to have some foil on the bottom to catch the drippings as the farberware one does have a drip tray. you need to get one of those farberware ones if you can find a complete setup for about $20-$30 or so.

