Easy WSM Table


Mike Restivo

New member
Need a little workspace for your WSM? The easiest way I've found is to buy an 18.5 or 22.5" table for the Weber grill. I modified the clips by doubling the clips over and trimming them to fit the lip of the main chamber of the smoker. The height was wrong so I went to my local hardware store and bought a broom whose hollow handle fit inside of the table legs and drilled to proper height. Easy!

Got the table from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000WEPHKM/tvwb-20




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Pic didn't show up. Did you upload it directly (can't) or is it hosted someplace like Photobucket or Facebook?
Mike I see you have a New Braunfels, that was my first smoker! I use something similar but I have the table attached to my OTG, which I already had and just parked it next to the WSM

Jeff, You have a lot of nice equipment there! I like your Plan-B for the table. Unfortunately my New Braunfels has been part of the family for decades and I can't bear to part with it. It was manufactured in New Braunfels, TX. before manufacturing was moved to China. Nice, heavy construction. Had it for 25 years and no sign of rusting through. I have asked my wife to bury me in it!
You will notice the NB to the left of the picture, I bought it in 1999. Never have learned to control temps well in it, I have to monkey with it every 15-30 minutes or more

