E-330 smoker kit temps high



New member
I have a E-330 with the smoker kit. I am smoking a pork butt right now and can't get the temp to go under about 260F. Only the burner right by the smoker box is on the lowest it can be. I have read that it is best to keep the temps to about 225F. Does anybody have any suggestions? I hope I can do some acceptable smoking this way until I can work a WSM into my budget.
In my experience, trying to run low with a gasser, I've had to block up (spacer) the hood a bit.
Try something non-flammable about 3/4" high...adjust as needed.

Wind-shelter your cooking area as best you can.
I smoke a lot of ribs, pork butts, and brisket at 275* and chicken at 325* to 350* using my WSM. If I were to use my gasser, 260* would be just fine. I thing you'll find most Comp cooks are at about 275*, however it's all about individual taste.
Good luck and good smoking
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The 5lb pork butt took about 13 hours to complete. The temperature stalled at about 160 for about 6 hours.

Something doesn't seem right about the smoking part. I have the Weber smoker kit for my Genesis E-330 part no. 7575. I used apple chips and expected to see some smoke coming out of the smoke box. It smelled good but I saw nothing. When I looked at the chips at the end they just looked very dry. None of them smoldered at all. Did I do something wrong? The only burner that was on was the one right next to the smoke chamber.
It's best to keep the burner(s) up higher until the chips/chunks begin to light and than turn things down way low. Once they light off they'll keep going

