Duraflame charcoal?



New member
In my sunday newspaper their was a coupon for "Duraflame" charcoal. Anyone ever use this? Not sure if I have even seen it around here, but I would try it if anyone can give me a reccomendation
I didn't know that they made charcoal. But if it's anything like their logs, I'd stay away.

Rath *Pretty colors are nice to look at, not cook with*
I know someone that is a member of the "Pa. Possee" competition team, and they use Duraflame and love it. I myself have never tried it.
MIke, I use Duraflame Charcoal. I started using Kingsford but wasn't pleased with the ash build up. The ash never seemed to fall through the grate and was choking out the live coals. I was reading about some guys on another site using Duraflame. They got it at Kroger. I decided to test it out on a long overnight cook a few weekends ago. I was impressed. The heat stayed consistant the whole time. When I woke up I checked the WSM. I added some extra lit because one side of the charcoal pan was not burning at the same rate as the other. After I pulled the butts off there was still plenty of heat to cook three chicken breasts. The thing that impressed me was the ash. When I went to clean the WSM all the ash had settled to the basin. Hardly any ash left on grate just coals
Well the Duraflame Lump Charcoal got a bad review on nakedwhiz. They think it's made by the same company that makes Cowboy Lump. It's made from scrap hardwood flooring.
I did use Duraflame for an overnight cook and also for some grilling. My local supermarket had some punctured bags reduced to $1.99 so I figured I would give it a try. Not bad and yes it did hold the temperature quite well. The only thig I noticed is that it lit very quickly in the chimney, strange(I noticed this more than once). Overall it's good but I cannot say I will buy it at full price.
My first cook was using Duraflame, as were the ensuing 4 cooks. I bought it after reading positive reviews on a general BBQ forum. My last cook was on Kingsford, and I just bought more Duraflame. I just had a perceived easier time regulated temp with the Duraflame.

Opinion Only.
Originally posted by Perry:
My first cook was using Duraflame, as were the ensuing 4 cooks. I bought it after reading positive reviews on a general BBQ forum. My last cook was on Kingsford, and I just bought more Duraflame. I just had a perceived easier time regulated temp with the Duraflame.

Opinion Only.

I like the flavor and the less ash issue with Duraflame charcoal.
The only problem with Duraflame is finding a place that sells it. I've been in frequent contact with their office and it amazes me that they have no idea who is really selling their product. They told me I could pick a pallet up of the charcoal at their Kentucky office. That's only a 3 1/2 hour ride one way. Then I'd have to haul 1000 pounds of charcoal back in my pick up. It's good stuff but not worth all that. I think I'll just use Royal Oak lump

