dry smoked chicken

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f.j. tedford

I tried dry smoking a couple of 2# chicken halves on the WSM tonight. I used the Painless Minion Method with the empty water pan in place. At first I did not fill past about half way in the charcoal ring using Kingsford and topped it with 15 or 20 well lit coals and three pre lit hickory chunks. Not enough fuel, I guess, because I had to stoke it with another 15 or so lit coals to get to the 300 deg. vent temp. I was shooting for. It shot up to 350+ and I closed the vents down to get 300. I kept another 20 or so lit coals on the side and added them as needed later.

I used the Texas Sugarless Rub and the basic mop from Paul Kirk's book. I only cooked for 3.5hrs to 180deg internal. Chicken was moist, pink in color with juices running clear. I chose the high temp in order to avoid a rubbery skin. That worked pretty well but next time I'll go another 1/2 hr for a full 4 hr cook time to get a toastier skin. I really can't say that this chicken is less moist than one I did with the water pan full. Because I cut it off at 3-1/2hrs it actually seems to be more moist.

At 5hrs the WSM is still cranking at 300deg. with all vents fully open.
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