dry bbq. help

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I've had my weber smoker since christmas, and have enjoyed the hell out of it. since pulled pork is my favorite, that's what the majority of my smoking has been. I usually cook the butts between 200-250 degees until internal temp of 200-205. I sometimes foil them after 6 hours or so. my question is what can I do to make the bbq moister? I certainly wouldn't describe my bbq as dry. actually I think it's near perfect (for my taste, anyway). but, a little more juicy and I would be completely satisfied. any tips would be appreciated.
oh, and thanks to the Renowned Mr. Brown, Southern Succor Rub recipe. I added 1/4 cup chili powder for a little more kick and couldn't be happier with the rub.
Will, when you pull the pork, it helps dramatically if you moisten it with a good sauce such as this one by Kevin Kruger.

Some of the injections I have seen look like they are pumping a tremendous amount of salt and sugar into the meat, at least for my taste.
Overcooking a butt can leave it dry.

"Cottony" is how the taste of dry butts are.

I pull my butts off when they are about ready to break in half when lifted. I would guess that the average internal temp for this is probably around 190.

Injections can help, but if your therms are accurate you might try resting the butts at a lower temp.
No need to do butts as low as 200. 250-275 give me the same results (I lean to the 275 side) as when I did them at 220-230.
I pull mine off around 187-192, but I also rest them for a few hours. I took several butts and Picnics to the 200-205 range, left rest, and they were all to dry for my liking.
thanks for the advice. next time I think I'll try taking off around 190. I always let it sit at least an hour before pulling. as for injecting, I may try that but not sure. I think I'll just try taking them out earlier first, b/c I think the flavor of the butt is great and figure injecting anything into it could only hurt that taste. of course, I'm new at this so what do I know. I may also try cooking at a little higher temp. thanks again.
Will, good planning. You're on the right track. Remember, try only one new thing at a time so you'll know what worked. A few people inject butts and have great results, but that's something you might want to save for fine-tuning after you've perfected the basics and gotten your moist butts, which you most assuredly will have if you pull them at 190 or so.

You have a good tip there, one change at a time. I never inject butts, enough fat in there to keep moist if pulled at the right time, but I have used injections on Picnics in the past with good results.
I plan cooks to have a good 2 hours rest. I hate feeling rushed to get the other items ready, so 2 or more hours works good for me.

