Drop in meat temp?


Jimbo M.

I'm into hour 10 of my BOB and I'm measuring the butts on the top rack. They were hovering at 160 since around 3AM, but have just dropped 5 degrees for over an hour. Seems that the temp is starting to creep back up. Was I measuring in a water/fat pocket that drained? Anyone else see this type of behavior before?

The brisket looks good but my probe went DC dry around midnight, so my first brisket is going to be eyeballed rather than measured.

Oh, and the 25 - 30 mph winds last night really didn't help the cause. Had to climb the fence to go into the neighbor's yard to retrieve my Bullet cover. Sheesh ... ISD has been exasperating for me. Just hopin' the meat makes it all work while.
Yes, I sometimes see a slight drop in meat temp during a plateau. I'll leave the scientific explanation for Doug D

Jimbo - I've had 5 degree drop offs before in my meat temps. As long as the smoker temp is still in a good range, it's no worry.

Here's the scientific explanation. Heat = energy. Heat drops as energy is expended to create sweet succulent goodness. That would hold up in a scientific journal.
Thanks, folks, for the science & reassurance. The temps are now up over 162 and appear to be climbing, so I think I've pushed through the plateau.

Now if my fuel holds out due to the winds last night I'll be in Hog Heaven.

