dripping pork?


Greg McCoy

New member
Howdy! Did my first pork butt last week on my new WSM 18.5" and went very well thanks to all the great info here. One strange thing did happen however and I have not been able to find any other similar issues. I put the pork on the centre of the top grate and almost immediately I had meat drippings (juice) in the heat shield pan. When I noticed this was happening I tucked the roast even more to the centre and it seemed to stop. I used a full water pan but the initial juice seemed to find it's way along the inner wall of the unit down to the charcoal and into the heat shield. After the cook when taking the unit apart the charcoal on the side where the dripping came from was wet and unburned. Now I didn't notice the pork was particularly "wet" when it went on the rack but I suppose it was possible. I took great care when filling the water pan not to overfill or have it splash out and the liquid was definitely meat juice. Any input on how to keep this from happening besides ensuring the meat is "dry" before going on? Every picture I see with loaded up WSMs have meat right to the edge of the cooking grates, did I miss something?
Hey welcome Greg!
Reads like ya have some moisture that turned brown (smoke-wood)than ran down the sides of a new WSM and leaked out of one bottom vent into the heat shield?
I wouldn't worry about it as you're WSM will seal up with more use.
Why the coals got wet is a mystery. Did someone or a pet bump into it possibly?

Thanks Tim!

Never thought of the "moisture from wood" angle. Makes sense as it would probably be the same colour...No one around to bump the cooker and being the first use the dogs were never near it (if my dogs "bumped" it it would be laying in the middle of the yard
) . Maybe I wasn't as careful as I thought when I filled the water pan. I'm thinking I won't fill it as much next time, maybe I inadvertently filled past the little hole in the side of the water pan but I was aware of where it was. Mystery??
I hear ya on the dogs Greg. Have a Lab which I call Big Guy, a GS, Bull Mastiff and a Bull dog. A couple of small ones running around also.

Give it a go next time and see what happens.
Good luck and keep us posted.


