Downward temp advice ?


Sean M.

7.5 # boneless butt
4.5 # flat brisket

Math tells me that the butt solo would be about 11 hrs +/-.

The brisket solo would be about 6.5 +/-.

If I throw on the butt, then 4.5 hours later add the brisket, what should I expect?

How much will the cool meat effect my overall cooking time.

What would be your guess for time to completion of both if I add the brisket after 4.5 hrs?

~ Sean

I would probably add some lit at the time I put the brisket on. You're correct, it is a new heat sink and will take up some of your heat. However, you'll only be 4.5 hours into the cook so you might be able to compensate by opening your vents more when you put the meat on instead of adding lit at that early point. If you keep your waterpan full, you should be able to avoid high temps if you're using the first suggestion.

Small, thin briskets are difficult to predict. If you make the adjustments for tempas a result of the new heat sink, I would think it would finish around 6 hrs, but could be less. Many feel it's better to foil a thin brisket at 160 to prevent drying out. Foiling has its downsides, but I think it beats a dried out thin brisket.

Introducing meats at different times is always a challenge, but I bet you'll be able to pull it off. Best of luck to you.

Thanks Paul -

I agree with your 6 hrs and foil. With that said, how long do you think the overall cook will take? and how would the brisket effect the butt?

~ Sean
My 7-8 lb butts generally take 15-18 hours. The brisket shouldn't affect the butt much save for possibly adding a little time to the cook.
My experience confirms what Kevin says. Butts that size take 15-20 hours. (I run about 215-225 at the grate.) It has been a while since I did just flats, but the 15 lb packer I did last weekend went close to 18 hours.

Sorry about the second post, which I've now deleted. The first didn't look like it had gone through ?

I think you may be a little short on your 11 hr. estimate. More like 14 to 16. I think the point to remember is you can always start early and save yourself the stress and worry because you can hold the butt in HD foil in towels in an empty cooler for 4 or 5 hrs. The brisket won't extend your cook time much and maybe not any if you can keep your temp regulated. Hopefully the posts you received from others came soon enough for you to make adjustments.

Have a great cook and let us know.


