Double Stack or Double Rack

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Steve M.

Don't ask me how I get myself into these situations, but I am cooking for the office at lunch and some church friends for dinner, both on Friday. My plan is to put on 4 shoulders and 2 briskets on Thursday afternoon and do the "over and under" overnighter. Pull them off Friday morning.

I have a 2nd middle section (and racks). Should I use one of the temporary rack expansion mods (soup can stack) or put the 2nd middle section in?

I've not cooked this much meat at once, but I figure either choice will cause some adjustments in cooking time, etc. I really have no idea how the 2nd section affects the operation.

Can others provide pro's and con's? I really don't have but this one shot to get it right.

Thanks in advance.
Wow, I guess the briskets on bottom, pile the pork over top on the other 2 racks. At least the brisket will get a nice shower of pork fat! Good luck.
Depending on how big the shoulders are you are going to have a difficult time getting them on one rack. You will also probably have an air flow problem squezzing that much on the cooker at once. If it were me I would try to do two cooks, possibly 2 butts on top and a brisket on the bottom. Good luck.
I've tried the triple super-stack before with big briskets, and the cooking is definitely compromised. I'm with Larry - two cooks would work much better, but time is not on your side. I don't think you can fit shoulders on to that middle rack, as you only have about 3 to 4 inches of room between it and the top rack. Shoot the moon - I'd go with the 2nd center section, myself, and just keep a probe at both levels. I've heard that, although it takes longer to stabilize temps, the 2nd section doesn't really throw things off that much. You'd be better off doing that than trying to stuff all that meat into a regular configuration, just based on my cooker-stuffing experiments.

Keri C, smokin' on Tulsa Time
Nick - I do have a second bottom. The original middle and bottom were damaged in shipment. They were scratched pretty bad and the middle section was slightly out of round. Weber sent the replacement pieces without my asking.

If I could find a top without paying $50+ I could have another WSM.

BTW - the cook went good. Two lessons learned:
1) That much meat uses more fuel. I ran very low at 3 am.
2) The double stack worked great ! I will definitely use it again. I'll work on the foil "gasket" a bit more to control some flaky temp variances I had.

At my first competition earlier this summer, one team was using a double stack of WSMs to cook something. I got pretty busy, and never made it back to their site to ask 'em about it. Maybe they were hanging something in there. That was one tall bullet!

Glad to hear it worked out for you.
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