Doing BRITU for first time...

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Ron F

Finally! Been wanting to do this recipe for a long time. I don't have any oak or cherry tho, I'll be using apple wood. Didn't know about letting the meat sit for 2 hours before it goes on the cooker either. Gonna be a bit of a late dinner I think. I'll let ya know how they come out...

I'm doing my first Q today too. I got a late start and didn't get to let the ribs set for the two hours either. It's a long time to wait to find out the results. So your not alone. Here's hoping they turn out.....Jeff
Gentlemen, rememebr, BBQ is a process and there should be no feelings of being pressed for time or "can't wait" type feelings!! Give yourself enough time to prep, cook, hold and then enjoy!!

BBQ will tell you when it is clocks or timers...just general outlines!!

Good luck, I'm sure the both of you will do just fine!!
Greg is right on! I have made my own version of BRITU with Hickory, Apple and Cherry. with BBQ there is no wrong, just give the good ole WSM time to do magic and it will be good. BTW I am doing my formula today, started at 11 so should be done sometime between 4 and 5....whenever the meat tells me it is done. BTW while waiting beer is a good way to pass the time. Today I have a great ale from the local Brew Pub....or should I say had. My 64oz growler is gone. Have fun and dont rush, great BBQ is sure to follow.
ok Greg you're right buuuuuuuuut...I have to leave for work at 9:15pm tonight. Just hope I get to taste some of those ribs before I go. I got them on at 2:45pm. It may be close..

Just for kicks I put a probe at the grate(actually, just a tad below the grate. Used a cork and put the therm straight up and down. It's about an inch below the top grate). Lid temp is reading 235*, grate temp is reading 195*. My lid temp probe sticks about 4" into the WSM. 40* difference seems wierd....

Ron, I might suggest an earleir rise or start next need to rush!

BTW, where do you work at 9:15pm on a Sunday night!!???
Ford Motor Company...midnight shift. Our Monday starts Sunday night, 10pm.
. The suggestion of an earlier rise or start next time is a good idea

Man, you guys suck! I'm sittin here thinking how great it would be to call off work tonight, crack a sodie pop and just sit outside and watch the cooker do its thing(I know it doesn't have to be watched but hey, I like to watch it). Then of course enjoy a long liesurely dinner. We have a pretty nice day here today(about 45* and sunny), won't be many left...Oh well, someone will just have to tip one for me
. Have a good day all!

I'm doing the BRITU for the first time myself today as well. I threw the ribs on at 3:45 and expect to have them done by 8:30 at the latest... just in time for the Patriots game!

Things seem to be going well. I don't think I put enough of the rub on though... we'll see.
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