Doing a Prime Chuck roll tonight (slight problem)


Randy Hill

Stopped at Sam's this afternoon to get a Chuck Roll.
Meat cutter brought it out and said "How does this one look" I thought it looked great. A bit more fat than the other couple I have gotten
and can feel some internal fat kernels.
I just went out to apply the rub and as I was opening the cryovac when I noticed the Grade stamp. USDA PRIME. I have never gotten anything Prime before. Let alone a Chuck Roll.
I told the wife I almost hate to make pulled beef sandwiches out of it. But that's what was planned on doing so we will see if being Prime seems to make any difference.
By the way it was just under 18 lbs. @ $2.28 lb.
I have been planning on about 1hr. per lb. Should I plan on a little different timing since there seems to be a bit more fat than the Choice I have done before? More or Less?
Congrats on the huge chunk of prime chuck.
I always figure them to take between 1hr to 1hr 15min per lb. I try to stick with the 18-19lb range rolls and they all seem to take around 19 - 21 hrs. HTH
Well, being a Prime the extra fat content must have made it cook much faster than normal.
I put it on at 9:00 last night at 230* dome, at 5:00am it was at 165 so I wrapped in foil and at 8:00am it was at 195 internal.It is now at 202*
I am using a Stoker so I dropped the temp to 180* hoping to hold it for 3 or 4 hrs. before I put in a cooler to rest for dinner at 6:00.
Do you think by holding it at 180 dome temp for 3 or 4 hrs will have an adverse affect, or should I let it rest in a cooler for as long as safe then pull if necessary because of temp and reheat for dinner.
I cannot believe this thing cooked in 11hrs since it was almost 18 lbs.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Yes I am sure the internal temp is reading right the probe feels like poking through soft butter.
I wished I'd seen your post yesterday. Usually Prime is best cooked at a lower temp to, often, a lower finish. (I'd have suggested 210-215 lid but it ain't a brisket so no big deal except the quick finish.)

I don't think holding at 180 for that time period will have an adveerse affect if the roll is in foil. An alternative is to shut the cooker up tight, turn off the Stoker, but monitor the cooker temp. If it falls to the 130s, pull the roll, pull the meat, chill then fridge the meat for dinner, chill then freeze the meat you're stashing.
It came out Great.
I was a bit concerned about how I was going to hold the Roll till 6:00 pm. I knew I could not hold in a cooler for 10hrs and have it stay above 140* so I set the dome temp on the Stoker at 180* and closed the top damper to only a crack open. The Stoker worked flawlessly held to temp within 3* of 180 for the next 5 hrs. At 1:00pm pulled the roll off WSM and put inside a hot cooler with crumpled newspapers and some bubble wrap I had laying around. At 6:00 internal temp was still 165*. The Roll came out of the foil in pieces, very moist and juicy, not mushy . Lightly pulled with a couple forks and served. Lots of compliments. I am very happy with the outcome.
If I get my hands on another Prime Chuck Roll I will figure on less cooling time or cooking at a lower temp so I don't have to hold so long.

