Does anyone sauce their brisket before freezing?


Mike P.

TVWBB All-Star
With just the wife and I here we have to freeze leftovers sometime. We have a food saver and have had good results saucing PP before freezing. I was thinking about trying it with the next brisket from the WSM. It will be sliced.

Thanks for any and all input.
Go for it and give it a try. Personally, I don't sauce any of my leftover barbecue meat before I freeze it and don't sauce brisket at all. I do occasionally like to drizzle a little good quality steak sauce over brisket when I eat it.
No, Whether I've already sliced it or it's still a chunk, I use my FoodSaver and vacuum seal it w/o sauce. I might put some apple juice in the bag before I seal it for reheating time.
I don't sauce, but if there were any liquids from when it was foiled or rested, I put that in with it. Turns out great. Had some brisket chili last night from a brisket we cooked in August and it was still moist and smokey and gave an awesome flavor to the dish.
Never. But I don't sauce anything (like ribs) during cooking, nor do I serve barbecue sauced.

It would work fine, however, if you wish to go that route. Either way, the operative issue in reheating is not to over-reheat, not whether there is sauce or not.

