Does anyone run a larger than 20 lb tank?



TVWBB Member
I just purchased a 30 lb tank on Amazon for $48 with free shipping. I figured that my 4 burner grill would use gas more quickly and a 30 would be good.
Yah, not a bad idea. But that means you won't be able to use an exchange and will always have to go the refill route. It might suck if you run out in the middle of a cook and the refill stores are all closed. But, if you keep the old 20 lb in reserve, you will be fine. If you don't move the grill around, you could probably go with one of the big 100 lb tanks.
I'll bet a 30 lb tank full of propane is pretty danged heavy? No sending the little woman out for a refill of one of those! At least not my wife.
I used to run my grill(s) on a twin 100lb set up. I used the local Hicksgas dealer. They brought me a stand, 2 100lb tanks and an automatic switch-over. They put a quick connect on the deck for the grill. When a tank would go empty a flag went up and it would switch automatically. I would call them and they would bring me another 100lb tank and install it and send me an invoice. I used that until remodeling the house and had the NG line installed. So much nicer than LP. But if you're stuck with LP it's not a bad way to go
Yes, I am keeping the 20 as my reserve. I got a quote of $1,200 to run NG out to the grill which was not in the budget. I like the concept of running two 100 lb tanks and using a delivery service, I’m gonna look around and see if anyone offers that near me.
I agree. Check around, you might find a guy that will do it for 1/4 that much. Seems extremely high to me.
We had a natural gas line run to our fireplace a few years ago when we converted it to ventless gas logs. It was about $400. We did get wildly variable quotes. Looking back i wished I had him run a line for a grill as well.😤

