Do Not Do This...


Steve Petrone

TVWBB Platinum Member
I purchased a vac pac of spares to cook with some leg quarters.

#1 there was a tiny leak discovered in the package. STOP right now and return it. Repeat DO Not Cook a leaker.

#2 There was a very faint, strange smell after cooking for 1 1/2 hours. I thought that new rub I mixed up with a lot of cumin sure was funky.
STOP and throw them away.

#3 I continued to cook....and eat. There was still that funk smell-kind of not fresh ground beef-but not 'bad' ground beef smell.

I lived but did not enjoy the ribs.

Do Not Waste Your Time. Leaker-return.

Funk smell is not the new rub-Toss the batch.
Nope, did not get sick. My guess is the ribs were just beginning to 'go'. My first negative indication was a very small-pin hole or less leak in the vac pack. There was no foul odor.

The first time anything smelled funky, was after cooking for an hour and a half-thats why I thought it was the new rub.

If you have any question-stop. Don't waste your time with funk. I was lucky.
I was at Kroger in Lewisburg last Saturday evening. I was gonna buy some chicken. Legs and Thighs were on sale so I though I would pick some up. They were all gone except for one package. You know how normal packaged chicken looks with the plastic stretched tight over the tray? Not this chicken, it was puffed up like a blimp. I asked the meat guy if he had any legs and thighs in back and he said no. He was addding other packages of chicken to the cooler and just left that puffed up one.

So. with some hesitation, I selected a whole chicken and continued shopping. I itched my nose and noticed a very BAD smell on my hands, you know the smell. I picked up the chicken I had selected and sniffed it, yep that's what transefered that smell to my hands. Now I don't know if the chicken in the plastic was bad or if it just laid in chicken juice, but I wasn't gonna chance it. While I resisted the urge to vomit, I returned the chicken to the cooler and then washed my hands. (I was amazed the blimp chicken was still there!) Needless to say I will NEVER buy meat at that Kroger again.
I know that smell, my wife picked up a chicken once and got it in the oven. Oh man! I' might lose it just thinking about it.

I had spent at least an hour-went to three stores to get the ribs on special. I am sorry but my time is better spent shopping where you know what you are getting.

Guys it is worth a little more when a shop can consistently deliver what you want.
Glad you did not get sick. Whenever food smells a bit "off" , that's a real clue - no matter if it is beef, pork, poultry, or fish. And if any food is "puffy", I would run away from it!

I'd sic the local Board of Health on 'em, too! That was unconscionable! Irresponsible! Totally Stupid! of them to leave the meat in view of the public for purchase/consumption.

I had a simliar situation with some vac packed spares from Smart/Final.

Opened them up at home to an off odor. Called Smart/Final and explained this to them. They could not take them back because they said they don't know what happened to them after I purchased them. They said they could have been unrefrigerated while in my control that caused them to go bad.

So, in the trash they went. 2 full racks of Spares.

~ Sean

