Display problems...



New member
Hi all,

At the last HM build session one of the guys wanted a 4 line display and that seemed to be the start of a lot of problems. As I only got a bit of info from him I still would like to see of one of you can help him on his way.

After initially building the HM with the 4 line display he mailed me the display would only show 2 lines with black squares. He had some problems getting into the HM configuration and removed the 4 line display to attach a 2 line, the one we all use and works perfectly.

But in his case he only gets strange characters (see image below). Any ideas on what could be the problem and how to fix that?


Tanx big time!
He may have a 4-line display that has a different controller on the lcd or if its the same then check to see if the pin out is the same.
ahh, so regardless of the display size he is getting what you posted in the picture. I thought you said it worked fine when he switched back to the 2-line display. Anyways, Have him check the shift resister and look for any solder bridges. Since, it seems that the Atmega was programmed as its not showing just blocks, there could be a short in the data lines from the shift resister to the LCD. It would really help though if we could get a picture(hi-res, front and back) of he board itself to be able to look at it.
Sorry for the confusion ;-)

He got two lines of squares on the 4 line display (but didn't change the settings in the config). Then he changed the display and got the characters as shown above. I'll send him the link of this thread so he can directly post the pictures and give additional info if you need that.
By the looks of the images you posted, are those wires soldered to the display or are they just making a connection via friction for testing purposes?

When the display was switched from a 4 line display to a 2 line display, was the heatermeter config also changed from 4 line to 2 line?

I assume (it's not my HM) he did this for testing purposes. He didn't switch to 4 lines, I'm sure of that. I asked him to join this thread so he can give first line answers ;-)

