Dinner Time



Found a good deal on Mahi Mahi and a premarinated package "carne asada" at Trader Joes.... so it is Taco Night...

made some homemade guac and pico de gallo...
also made a new slaw recipe...
also have some red/green/jalapenos to grill up as well....

forgot about the Cilantro dressing on sale at Trader Joes...
Kurt, sounds GREAT!!!

butt here in the forums, if you ain't got photos, it didn't happen. Pittsburgh, or any burgh ;)

btw, welcome aboard!
wish i did have some photos... 2 problems... camera was stolen on vacation and I am technically challenged when it comes to compturez...
was it the Guy Fieri carne asada? I got one of those @ Costco a few weeks back & liked it

