Digiq 2 permanent mount


M Rose

TVWBB Member
I want to permanently mount the DigiQ to the WSM but im not comfortable drilling holes in my WSM. good thing my brother is versed in this kind of stuff and is willing to do it for me. Does anyone have a picture of what their setup looks like so i can show him to get it started? Much appreciation!!
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I want to permanently mount the DigiQ to the WSM but im not comfortable drilling holes in my WSM. good thing my brother is versed in this kind of stuff and is willing to do it for me. Does anyone have a picture of what their setup looks like so i can show him to get it started? Much appreciation!!

Why? This is what I did that allows me to quickly mount and dismount, which allows me to better protect the Head Unit while the WSM is in storage or transit. Heat is another thing to be considerate of. Imho, a permanent mount could prove to be a real be a mistake. The handles utilized the existing bolt holes so this is totally reversable as well.

Why? This is what I did that allows me to quickly mount and dismount, which allows me to better protect the Head Unit while the WSM is in storage or transit. Heat is another thing to be considerate of. Imho, a permanent mount could prove to be a real be a mistake. The handles utilized the existing bolt holes so this is totally reversable as well.


My thought is that a permanent mount would look alot cleaner and save extra effort by mounting and dismounting when i use it. Im still open on whether or not to do it so I could use some more swaying on either side to be honest
My thought is that a permanent mount would look alot cleaner and save extra effort by mounting and dismounting when i use it. Im still open on whether or not to do it so I could use some more swaying on either side to be honest

I don't think that a permanent mount is the way to go, being that there may be adjustments that need to be made in regards to: location of your smoker, power cords, temp and pit probes, weather (rain), etc. However, I DO think that the right setup will definitely make things easier and once you find the "right" setup you will be happy.

I'm in the process of coming up with a setup for my Digi Q. I like a clean routing and running of the wires along with a quick and yet unique option for covering everything for when it rains.

I also believe that mounting the unit too close to the WSM could prove problematic due to the heat being emitted from the smoker. Granted it is cooking at lower temps than say grilling or searing meat, but never the less, the heat being emitted could take it's toll on the unit if it is too close.

