Differences between the sizes?


Ben Freshman

New member
Hey guys, I am a full-fledged newbie here and will have many questions later, but I'm about to break in my new 22 incher and had a quick question before I throw myself in- the recipes from this site assume for the smaller smoker- do you guys know what sort of compensations I might need to make for using the recipes on the 22? Thanks
Will defer to the experts but from noob to noob, it's my impression that the only difference is that it will take more fuel to do the equivalent temp on the 18.
Very few differences. Both sizes will hold the temp. you want with ease. The main difference is you will use slightly more charcoal in the 22 incher, but you got more space fer good "q", so its all good! Lots on good info on here. Use it for a while and do what works for you. Most on here do some kind of mods to it but not all. Myself, I like adding handles to the middle section, but it is fine w/o them.

