Defrosting Chicken (mess in my fridge)



TVWBB Olympian
I went in on a 40# box of boneless-skinless chicken thighs from Restaurant Depot a month or so back. I kept 20#, & it was a frozen box, but there were 4 individual bags.

On Wednesday I pulled one 10# box of chicken to defrost and put it in the fridge.

The chicken was in the bag it came in, before I put it in the freezer I put it in a white kitchen garbage bag, and then before I put it in the fridge I put two large sheets of aluminum foil down. I noticed liquid pooling up on the bottom of my fridge and thought it must just be condensation, but yesterday afternoon when I pulled it to put in a marinade for today's cook, it was chicken juice.

So I had to throw out a few fruits, and it only got on one jar, but I had to empty the bottom of my fridge, luckily the bottom has a removable sheet of glass as the shelf above the drawers (which also juiced out!) wash/dry/spray everything with a bleach cleaner.

I couldn't believe it. I can't imagine how 2 sheets of HD foil could have leaked, but that must have, right???? Now it's in one drawer, in 2 ziplock baggies, sitting in a drawer that's temporarily lined with 1 sheet of foil and some paper towels.

I suppose there must have been a micro hole, or maybe when I set it out at first something poked through the foil???? nothing visible, but I wasn't holding that slimy mess to the light, I was just cleaning it up.
Yep been there done that.:mad: I usually use half sheet pans or corningware casserole pans to defrost stuff in. When I forget I usually have to deal with a mess.

That happened to me to many times. So now I have a smaller tote that I put things I'm defrosting in the fridge. If it leaks I rinse it out put some water and bleach in it for an hour or so rinse again air dry, done.
That happened to me to many times. So now I have a smaller tote that I put things I'm defrosting in the fridge. If it leaks I rinse it out put some water and bleach in it for an hour or so rinse again air dry, done.

Rich has a great solution here.

