Dedicated Pizza Cooker / Weber

I found an old 22.5 recently. Someone had a free sign on it and left it by the end of their driveway.

I want to make it into a dedicated pizza oven. Has anyone tried to cut a hole into the lid to replicate a pizza oven? Any ideas on how I could make the Weber into pizza oven? I don't want to buy an expensive uni-tasker like kettle pizza.

Would this work?


Also, what tool would one use to make the cut?
I found an old 22.5 recently. Someone had a free sign on it and left it by the end of their driveway.

I want to make it into a dedicated pizza oven. Has anyone tried to cut a hole into the lid to replicate a pizza oven? Any ideas on how I could make the Weber into pizza oven? I don't want to buy an expensive uni-tasker like kettle pizza.

Would this work? Also, what tool would one use to make the cut?

It will work and you could use a jigsaw or dremel tool
That will work just fine Patrick. Did you cut the lid or get the photo somewhere? I have an extra lid for my 26 and was thinking of doing the same thing. I just finished a pizza kettle mode for my 18.
Did anybody actually make this mod? How does the moddet lid work against for example the Kettle Pizza ring?

I'm about to get my 3rd OTG 22 inch and am considering using that lid for this mod.
I definitely would try it in combination with a couple of fire brick on their edge and a stone laying across them.
A dremel will work as said. If you go this route, tape where you want to cut then draw your cut line on the tape. That should help keep the porcelain from chipping as it looks like it did I the pic.

I would be interested I seeing how this builds out as there are always 18" kettles on CL cheap
Looks like a fun project. I am curious as to the result. I'm interested in making pizza on my grill and have been reading up on it. Would the hole cut in the lid line up with a pizza stone on fire bricks?
I was just in my local home and garden store/True Value (I heard they had quite the selection of Weber products, so I wanted to check it out), and they have the Weber Charcoal Pizza Ovens in stock. I thought they were an overseas only item, but they had several of them, for $149.99.
I did something like this and it worked pretty well. Only issue I had was the small size of the opening. Build the fire in the back and foil over the charcoal grate except under the coals and you'll get a really good draft. I ended up upgrading to the PizzaKettle and really like it.

