Deboning turkey

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Pat Barnes

I am going to try to smoke a turkey Wedneday.
I did 2 chickensand deboned them as per the web site directions(worked great especially for the first time). Has anyone ever done the same thing to a turkey or is the keel bone too large to pull out? /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif
Turduckin is a boned turkey stuffed with a boned duck stuffed with a boned chicken. The same process on a bigger scale.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pat barnes:
[qb]I am going to try to smoke a turkey Wedneday.
I did 2 chickensand deboned them as per the web site directions(worked great especially for the first time). Has anyone ever done the same thing to a turkey or is the keel bone too large to pull out? [/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's one of Julia Child's favorite techniques.

You can watch the entire show with Julia and Jacques Pepin deboning a turkey on the PBS website.

Go to:

Then click on "PRIME VIDEO CUTS".

Enter "TURKEY" as a keyword in the search box.

The Jacques Pepin turkey deboning show is on the second page of results. You have the option of watching just that clip or the entire show.

As you can imagine, there is some really terrific stuff in this archive of Julia Child cooking shows.
Thanks guys! I knoew someone here would help me out. It was so obvious. Let you know how it comes out. /infopop/emoticons/icon_redface.gif
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