Dead Pecan Wood


Chris B

TVWBB Member
I have a 50ft Pecan tree that is very dead. The larger limbs are actually breaking off. It looks like the tree died from a beatle infestation, however they appear to be long gone. The wood is extremely dry and seems perfect for using in the smoker. My concern is that the tree died of an infestation is it okay to use in the smoker or is it better to play it safe and not bother? We are having a tree company come out to take the tree down before someone or something gets hurt, I would just like to use it if I can. Thanks for any advice you may have.
I think your biggest concern will be rot. If limbs are falling off, it may be too late. There may be some usable wood in the trunk, but probably not much.
The tree company should be able to tell you--and show you--what is usable. Rot you don't want but I think it likely you'd have a lot of good smokewood available.

