De-gunking the lid


Don Reed

I need to remove the gunk thats built up around the lip of the lid and center section, short of a butt load of elbow grease what would make cleaning it easier. I know this is probably an easy one but I seem to be having a brain fart with this one.
I usally run a paper towel around the rim when done cooking but didn't do it this time and it's quit the mess.
I would be careful with removing the "gunk". That buildup actually helps the cooker run better and hold temps better. I clean mine every now and then - but I just give it a light pass with a steel brush to remove any excess. But I don't clean it back to new condition. I leave the bulk of the buildup on it - especially in the center section. If you get any creosote buildup under the lid (which is normal - its the brown looking stuff that looks like rust) that will come off with some water and a steel brush. Good luck.
Spray some greased lightning or simple green on the edges than if you have a big enuff pan,tub basin or whatever, soak em in an 1" or 2 of hot soapy water.
One of those heavy nylon brushes also helps.

I just spray Simple Green on a paper towel or old rag and then wipe out that ridge. I don't want to get overspray on the rest of my hard earned mojo (seasoning).

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Don Reed:
My main concern is just the lid the rest of it doesn't bother me </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

This reminds me when I first got my WSM, all I heard about was how great the gunk helped, so I never bothered with it. I forget how many months passed of heavy usage, and I did a high heat cook and all the buildup on the lid flaked off and went all over the food in the cooker. It looked like it rained ashes. Hence every few cooks I do now, I take a stiff brush and go over the inside of the lid to knock off the excess. Other than that, no cleaning I've done unless it's unused for a bit (rare) and I need to knock off some mildew, then run a ring with the cooker empty to burn off everything else.
I know what you're sayin Mitch. Inside of my lid looks like a well seasoned pc of CI. I do mostly HH but ever so often if I load up with alot of meat with moisture I will get the flakes.
I always whack the side of my lid now with the side of my fist just to see if any flakes drop off.

good tip, Tim. I would most likely try that when it is hot and end up burning my hand.

I take a loose ball of aluminum foil and scrape out the flakes from the lid just to keep it from building up too much.

When I first got my WSM, I cleaned it out to nearly factory new. Posted pics here and several people said that I got it too clean. having a minimal to moderate buildup of gunk on the lid and middle section is great for helping hold temps and I like to take the lid off before a cook and smell that smoky goodness even with no food in it.
Do it pre-start Jim.
As soon as you lift the lid off for the first time, give it a whack (sounds like the old gong show) If any flakes fall off then clean as you see fit b-fore ya fire up the Weby.

When I'm setting up I just kind of look at the lid and if it all seems smooth it's not going to drop flakes. If it looks rough or uneven or, well, flaky I'll take a paper towel and see if anything comes off. Seems to work well enough.
Thanks for all the input. Mine wasn't flaking under the lid but there was so much gunk build up where the lid and center section gomes together that when I tried lifting the lid later after the cook it lifted the center section up with it. Smart thing at that point would have been to wipe it off while it was hot eh.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Don Reed:
... there was so much gunk build up where the lid and center section gomes together that when I tried lifting the lid later after the cook it lifted the center section up with it. ... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>I think that's a sigh that you do need to do something.

