TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Once again bad planning for our Sunday dinner. But currently have some longer bone short ribs on Big Z. They're now probing between 185 and 195 and beginning to "loosen" up. They're going to have to put up with a MUCH abbreviated rest though. But The Z is running 250 solid as a rock. Note my ambient on the Chef IQ is showing higher. I am running it on the hotter side of the grill (left side) and RTD is on the right side. One mod I think I may do is change where the RTD is to more in the center of the grill if I can figure out a way as I do see a bit of a swing from left to right that becomes more pronounced as you go to higher temps. If I run it at 225 or less it seems to be nearly dead even all the way across. Also have freshly picked sweet corn (local of course), on the Wolf. Coming along.