Cupcake Chicken



TVWBB Super Fan
Thinking of giving this a try but when I was looking at the standard size silicone muffin pans they just don't look big enough. Anyone with experience with this technique?
The idea originated for competitions to have uniform pieces of chicken to put in the box.
The way I've seen it done was to debone the thighs so they would fit. You'll also be trimming out a lot of meat, so if it's going to be a lot of waste. If it's for competition, the judges I've talked to would rather have the bone in it.
You could buy boneless skinless thighs and just cram them in there. Put a little applesauce in each cup and they'd be like little Chris lilley loaf pan chickens! I think what you want is one of those old fashioned metal muffin tins....I think those cups might be a little bigger.. I plan to try it one day , I bet they'd be good.
I have seen the cupcake chicken, and it's for appearance purposes for comps. You'll get much tastier chicken if you just smoke it the conventional way.
The Food Network/Cooking Channel will be premiering "Cupcake Chicken Wars" soon. I bet you can get some good ideas watching that show. ;)
I make chicken cupcakes all the time. Usually I'll dice the chicken up into pea sized portions and fold it into the batter, and replace half the milk with chicken stock. A dash of BBQ sauce to a basic frosting recipe and volia! Chicken cupcakes.

