Craycort or Weber Gourmet BBQ set


Vince Ser

TVWBB Member
New member here. Just picked up the Performer with Gas Assist, at a "very good price". Now looking to upgrade the grates. For the same price of the Craycort, Weber sells their BBQ Gourmet set of grates with the cast iron in the middle. I also saw the skillet which can go into the middle slot. Both prices are the same. Seems that the Weber set has a little more versatility.

I'm curious which one you went with and why?
When comparing costs, don't forget to add in the costs of the add-ons that are NOT included as part of the system.

With the Craycorts (which are already expensive without add-ons) the grates plus extras can easily exceed $200 - way over my limit as I wouldn't get my money back for the rest of my anticipated lifetime (20+ years).

The Weber gourmet grate system, in my opinion, is a better value than the Craycort. But, unless it's made of stainless steel (and I don't believe it is), the main grate will eventually rust and need replacing.
I know that many people here really like the cast iron grates...and don't get me wrong I really like them as well. However, I just recieved (Fed Ex guy dropped them off this morning) 2 stainless steel hinged grates (one for my performer, and one for my WSM). I can't talk to their performance yet, but I really like the idea that I won't have to replace them every year or so due to rust, and they won't require the same level of care as the cast iron. Also, they are only $30 on the Weber site, so I was able to get both of them for less than one craycort grate.

