I replied to an add for a $40 Weber gas grill yesterday. All I could tell from the picture was that it had extendable tables on both sides and a thermometer in the middle of the hood. It was in downtown Chicago - over an hour drive one way - but about ten minutes from the new grandson.
It turned out to be a Genesis Gold B LP SS '05 USA according to the ID sticker. It came with a full tank and cover. I'll have more time to inspect it today when I clean it up, but the only defect I've seen on it so far is that the knob in the propane tank is loose and it's out of date ('98.) I'll post pictures later when we have some daylight.
That leaves me with a quandary. I already had too many gassers and now I really have to think about which to sell off. I hate to break up my Silver A and Silver B because they're like a matched set. But I may have too. I'm not going to get rid of the A because it's such a convenient size. I guess that means the B is going to go.
Maybe I'll give it to my fishing buddy. He has a Charbroil that I checked out on my last visit. I wanted to take a picture of it and caption it "this is why we don't buy Charbroils." because the grate was rusty and had sagged into their version of flavorizer bars. It really looked awful and he deserves better.
I need to stop watching Craigslist!
Here it is a little cleaned up:
It fires right up.
And I know why the tank knob was spinning. The gas valve is stuck.
Oh, well. Still a great deal!

It turned out to be a Genesis Gold B LP SS '05 USA according to the ID sticker. It came with a full tank and cover. I'll have more time to inspect it today when I clean it up, but the only defect I've seen on it so far is that the knob in the propane tank is loose and it's out of date ('98.) I'll post pictures later when we have some daylight.
That leaves me with a quandary. I already had too many gassers and now I really have to think about which to sell off. I hate to break up my Silver A and Silver B because they're like a matched set. But I may have too. I'm not going to get rid of the A because it's such a convenient size. I guess that means the B is going to go.
Maybe I'll give it to my fishing buddy. He has a Charbroil that I checked out on my last visit. I wanted to take a picture of it and caption it "this is why we don't buy Charbroils." because the grate was rusty and had sagged into their version of flavorizer bars. It really looked awful and he deserves better.
I need to stop watching Craigslist!
Here it is a little cleaned up:
It fires right up.