Cowboy Soke Wood



New member
Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum. I have read alot of posts about how bad Cowboy Charcoal is, but what about Cowboy Smoke Wood? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Do you mean Cowboy lump? If so i don't think its that bad. A lot of people use it for hi temp cooks and also the fact that it burns clean with very little ash. I've never seen the cowboy smoke wood, where do they sell it? I'll try anything once.
Cowboy smoke-wood is sold in most Lowes and is as good as any...they only stock hickory and/or mesquite in "chunk" form... so if you want apple, must ask them to special order it for you....or resort to "chips", which some stores stock.... AS an aside, Cowboy lump is just average IMHO
Cowboy smoke wood is very good. I've only bought hickory and the size is very consistant thoughout the bag. Nice fist sized pieces.
Yep, the Cowboy Smoke Wood is just fine to use. I buy the Hickory and Mesquite from Lowe's all the time. The lump I'll keep quiet about though.
Thanks for the responses. I have used it on my first two smokes in the last week and plan on using it today with some Baby Backs.
I like the Cowboy chunks they sell at Lowes. I use the bigger chunks in my WSM and the smaller sizes in my Masterbuilt Electic Smoker.

The lowes I usually go to sell Hickory, Mesquite and Apple. It seems they carry only apple chips.

