Cowboy Lump of carp?


Jim Kennedy

TVWBB Member
I tried a bag of Cowboy Lump and have to say, it was the biggest waste of $10. Unless I got a bad bag, most of it was dust and crumbs or bark pieces and when it burns it smells.

I was very surprised to see that Cowboy packages and sells Stubbs Charcoal which I love and have used exclusively since I tried it the first time.

Is my Cowboy Lump experience unique? I'm about to do a brisket and I'm ****ed that I added the lump 'cause it's stinky now, so I'm bringing the temp up to try to burn it off a little. So far it's working.

BTW, I did notice at Bass Pro this week, there is a Cowboy Lump "hardwood", which may be the problem since I bought it at Lowe's and all they have is no labeled hardwood. I'm afraid to know what wood (and bark) they use in this that I have.
LOL I figured switching the a and r would have gotten it ****, plus, it's kinda funny, in a strange kind way.
If I see Cowboy, I get on my horse and hightail it out of the store. The worst IMO
well since I jut got my performer two days ago at HD I bought a bag of cowboy. I just pulled it out to get ready to grill tonight and I swear it had a small log of about 3 inches in diameter by 5 inches long in there. Some of the chunks are larger than any softball I have ever seen.

I have never seen anything like it.

I wont be buying another bag, i can assure you.
If I see Cowboy, I get on my horse and hightail it out of the store. The worst IMO
I have to agree. I go with Royal Oak lump -- U.S. made only. They have some of their stuff made elsewhere; it's not as good.
about 6 or 7 years ago, cowboy was decent.
it was inconsistent... but 2 out of 3 bags would be usable.

I don't know when the stuff went to carp or if/when they'll turn their product around.

I remember finding giant rocks in the bag. A 5lb bag of lump with 3 fist sized rocks in it is NOT COOL.

I also remember filling a chimney with it and lighting some newspaper. I came back in 10 minutes and pretty much ALL of the lump had burned up fallen through the bottom of the chimney.

I'll stick to my royal oak steakhouse lump and my coshell for grilling. Stubbs for smoking.
LOL.....I think I'd rather have a "CARP" than a bag of Cowboy Lump. When someone uses the term bottom of the barrel, thats where Cowboy must come from.

