country style ribs


DW Frommer II

I know this has probably been asked a thousand times, but more for the gipper

When are country style pork ribs (from shoulder) done? When they reach 195°? Or when they have been in for a certain length of time? And/or just how do you tell?

And what should they be like? Falling off the bone? A little resistant? What?

Not 100 times ... only 99
, but then what hasn't been repeated on the board.

I think if you take them to 195 they'll be dried out. I don't cook them for pulling.

I think fork tender is probably a better gauge. Maybe 4 hours or so and then foil with some moisture for an hour or so and finish without foil to firm up. From an internal temp standpoint, I think you would be 175 plus or so.

country style ribs.

I just grill mine at 280-300deg for 1 1/2 hours on the opposite side of the coals. Think I'll wsm them too! Go buy the poke your finger on them method, just like cooking brisket if your familiar with that. 195 would most likely be very dry.

