Corn husks instead of wood??

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Tom Raveret

Alton Brown tonight did a show on corn and suggested substituting coarn husks for wood while grilling. He implied it brings a better taste than wood.

Has anyone done this and with what results. Anybody tried this while smoking??
Corn husks or cobs? I didn't see the show you are talking about, so Im not sure. I've heard of cobs used for grilling (something the Native Americans have been doing for centuries), but not husks.

For husks, I'd guess you'd remove all the silk, soak the husks, and fire away, treating them like grape vines?

I'd give it a try on the grill first. Probably good with all sorts of beef, poultry and pork.
It was corn cobs. I tried it last year and I think it is overrated by alton. Not that much smokey flavor and it stopped producing smoke rather quickly. Try it but do not expect that much out of it IMO.
it was cobs after removing all the silk and husk and all the corn for that matter. I dont know what to expect from it just wonderiing if anyone had tried it?
I would not put corn husks, cob, kernels, tassels, anything into my WSM.
Alton Brown=Mad Scientist
Alton Brown = frustrated chemist turned TV "cooking personality" (notice my intentional omission of the word 'chef.') = Mad scientist.

His shows are acceptable for their entertainment value, but I take his suggestions very lightly. Frequently, they're more trouble than they're worth.

Considering the corn cob idea- I would imagine it could work with a freshly stripped cob; with all that moisture you're bound to get tons of smoke. But, have you ever smelled burnt popcorn? And, if you used bone-dry cobs, they'd probably burn up so fast (and stink), why bother?

This one ranks right down there with the "bagel-slicer-for-cutting-a-pocket-in-a-porkchop" idea. Kinda' dumb.

Anybody wanna try this; go by your local feed store and pick up some dried corn. Next grill session, throw a nice big handful of the corn on the coals. Post results. Or, instead of your favorite wood, throw a few dried cobs on the coals during your next big smoke. Describe the yummy flavor.
I tried drying a couple of cobs on a plate on the counter to try for smokewood. They stunk like crap after a couple of days and I threw them out. Hang them individually maybe?
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