Cool Cooking....Need advice


David Collier

After many successful overnighters on Mr Brown butts, I was just cocky enough to think I knew what I was doing until last night. Started the butts at 6:30 PM with 250 lid temp and three nice sized butts. Realizing outside temps were headed into the low 20's, wrapped a water heater blanket around the WSM. Retiring to bed at 11:30 all was well - lid temp 242, grate temp 231. Setting my Nu Temp alarms, never spiked or fell all night of any temps. Vents were closed, top vents open, had cut away so that the lower vents were exposed and part of the very top. At 05:30 temps had not moved, when I realized the Nu Temps had frozen!!! After frantic sop and turn, lot of the bark stuck to the grates, looks very crusty. After thawing thermometers and plubbing probes back in the lid temp was over 300!!!!!!! I guess I will leave them on enough to let the sop bake in. Internal temp on what did not fall apart was 187, has continued to drop. Thinking about foiling and letting rest for couple of hours, or foiling and leaving on for one or two more hours. Any suggestions???
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Internal temp on what did not fall apart was 187 </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
They sound done to me. Pull them, wrap and rest.
If the bone is loose on them they're done irrespective of what the therm says.
When using the WSM in the rain or really cold temps, I keep it in one of those large zip-lock freezer bags. Doesn't do much to keep the cold out, but helps with the moisture getting in there and freezing. (guru is in there also)

