cooking to slow???

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Has been 14 hours for 4 pork butts bone in. Avg. size ~ 8 pounds... Temp was pretty consistent overnight, it fell a little before sunrise (coolest part of the night) I added some briquetes. Its still @ 225f But the average meat temperature of two on top racks was around 160-165...... Things ok? What am I looking at for a finish time? To pull or not to pull for ~7:00 dinner will be an issue at hand as well. THANKS
Are you temping at the lid or the grate?

You can bump the temp up no matter which and I would suggest doing so.

Butts plateau in the 160s (they'll sit there for quite a while) before resuming an upward climb. It is hard to say how long they have. I'd increase the cook temp by 50 degrees or a bit more.
temp is @ grate (lid temp is ~ 250) Since this last post. The pork seems as though it is conquering the plateau. It is 170-180 depending on where checked and which piece of butt (1 of 4). Thinking it may be another 1.5 or 2 hours. If it is longer, so be it. I am going to hold temps I think. If I pull @ noon it will make it a 18 hour smoke for 4 butts....... 1 O clock would be 19 hours. If I pull in these time frames I am going to HD alluminum and cooler them w/ newspaper and towel for a ~7ish dinner time. Think it will be ok based on extensive searching of this site and experienced posts............
You should be fine. If you get lingering temps in the 180s give them an hour or two and check for done by feel. Occasionally butts will stall there. If they're not done you can bump temps up and/or foil. Either or both will get them moving.

Enjoy your day and your dinner.

