Cooking time - Picnic shoulder 7 pounds



Hi there,

Anyone can give me an idea of how long it is going to cook a 7 pounds picnic shoulder at 225-250 ? i want to bring it up to around 195F..

Thank you guys
Assume 1 1/2 - 2 hours per pound. But time is worst means for deciding if it's done. If you have doubts or are just starting, use an instant read or probe thermometer to verify. (Remember it won't hurt if the meat goes to 205*.) Best of all, stick in a probe (thermometer, skewer, etc.). If it goes in easy, try again in another area. If it still goes in easy ("they" say like butter), it's done.

Be sure to let it "rest" for at least a half hour before "digging in". The temp will continue to rise probably another 5* or so.

Agree with Rich. A butt (or picnic) is pretty resilient. Worst case, if it's done early, wrap it in foild, a towel and toss it in a cooler or something insulated. It will keep for a few hours until you want to serve.
thank you

i do intend to use a probe but i just wanted an idea in order to know WHEN to start my shoulder

thanks again

